Wednesday, September 30, 2009

On The Flip Side

So here's where it all begins AGAIN!
I think I've started and restarted this blog for the third time, and I am about done with making posts, getting angry, and deleting them. So, hopefully this is the last time I will have to start my blogging life anew!

Hi! I am A Boy.

For some reason, when working out at night, I get the strangest desires to blog. I work out at night because it keeps me distracted, in a good way! Does anyone else feel that way?
One of my friends laughed at my once for working out at night. She thought it was weird to get sweaty and gross before bed.
It was something that my mission president suggested when I was having some troubles sleeping. That, and journaling.
HAZZA! I think I found the link between my working out and my desire to blog at night! My subconscious is used to that routine!

Where was I going with all of this?...I dunno.

Today in my education class we watched a video called Stand and Deliver. I know I've seen it before, but couldn't tell you where or when. Either way, it reignited the flame I once had for teaching! My Education class has kind of beat that desire out of me, but this restarted it all over again! My desire to make a difference!
That's one of the things I loved about being a missionary. Teaching. Making a change in someone's life. Seeing the twinkle in their eye when it all finally comes together.
I know it sounds cheesy, but I think that would be great to have the opportunity to see that more often. Unfortunately, I am not terribly eloquent, AND I don't get the opportunity to teach that often/ever.

I am so grateful for my friends. They're the best!

I think I've been going around this whole dating thing TOTALLY wrong. Time to switch things up? I think so!

I hope to make this of more knowledge to the public, post more, and be more positive.

One thing I generally like to do with past blogs that I've had, which if anyone is ever terribly curious about, I suppose I can link to, but I will warn you, that was a previous lifestyle, and I have moved on. Don't judge me.
Where was I? OH YA!
One thing I enjoy doing is quoting a song, book, poem, etc. that relates to how I feel that day, or at the moment that I make that post.

One last thing before I continue working out, finding guitar tabs for old nintendo music, and learning Jason Mraz songs, I will make a mission statement for my little blog here. All good things have a mission statement.

While I may not be very opinionated, or outspoken; While I may not be very wise, or scientific; and while I may not be very social, or outgoing, I am me. As I heard in FHE this week, "God loves everything about you." He loves my weaknesses and He loves my strengths. I don't want to get all preachy, so I'll stop that there for now, but this blog is about me, and about my everyday adventures. I hope that any who find this blog enjoy reading about my experiences, as well as I will appreciate any comments others may have. And hopefully, we can all learn something!

Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention, I reckon its again my turn to win some or learn some
