Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Krabby Patties

Call me SpongeBob.
Stacking Krabby Patties.
I love dancing.  A lot.
I do it everywhere.
At work(when I have a job)...
At school(usually seated)...
At home(even in the shower)...
At play(It's play time.  I do what I want)...
I may even be doing it right now while on the third floor of the library "studying"(underneath the desk)...
When I think of the letter K, I think of Krabby Patties.  Which of course are a made-up hamburger from the Krusty Krab located in Bikini Bottom in SpongeBob universe.
And when I think of Krabby Patties, I think of Cat Daddy.
Which of course is a dance style.
I don't expect you to understand if you aren't the type to listen to hip-hop music.
But if you are, then FANTASTIC!


My roommate, Brenton, and I have been coming to the library a lot lately.  Like...every freakin' night.  Usually between the hours of 8-11 you can find us on the third flood of the library.  Just doin' our thing.  Studyin' like scholars.
You know.
Most of the time we also have some sort of food with us.  The recent favorite is to order pizza and have it delivered to the library.  It makes us feel special when they come in the doors looking for us.  Today it was Domino's thin crust.
Let me tell you...
It was amazing.
The studying, however, was only so-so.


I am konstantly  surprised when people discover for the first time that I had brain surgery.  I just hold this to be general knowledge, and so I figure everyone knows it, but I am SO mistaken.
A friend of mine just today stalked my Facebook photos and saw that I had brain surgery.
Needless to say, she immediately freaked out and started asking a number of questions.
It makes me feel like a mini celebrity.


The library is about to klose, so I will be kicked out soon.  This post may be kut short due to this unfortunate notice...


As a teenager I legitimately replaced all the c's with k's when typing online.  I don't know why, besides the fact that I somewhat loathe the letter C (which is a story for another time) and because I wanted to be kool.


Remember when I said that the library would be klosing soon?  It's klosing now.
And they're playing Thriller by Michael Jackson over the PA to let us know.

My life is komplete.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

THAT'S Justice.

My friends/roommates and I have recently become quite obsessed with Dom.
Dom Mazzetti.
It all started with YOLO...
He's filthy.
He's funny.
He's a man.

We have started watching a video or two every day before we go and work out, which is a daily occurrence.
(Remind me to tangaent on this later...)
It is truly "Bromance" time.

You have been reading for probably a couple seconds now, and you haven't seen a single J.  And I know what you're thinking.
"Dude, Spease, what's the deal?  You're supposed to be going on a theme here."
/le angry face
To which I say to you...
J's are hard letters.
Sure, there are tons of words that start with J, but they just don't flow with my vocabulary very well.

I was talking with my roommate Brian last night about something or other when our slightly darker roommate Caleb entered the room and started to say something but stopped himself mid-sentence to say "Dang, dude, you're getting big!"
THIS is just what I like to hear.
Anyone who regularly works out, I feel, would enjoy being noticed for their accomplishments.
This caused me to later converse with Brian about how lifting has become the most satisfying hobby I've ever taken part in.
No one besides other gamers gives you compliments on your gaming accomplishments, however, EVERYONE will give you compliments on your personal fitness accomplishments.
There is an advertisement for on TV right now.  Our world is surely going to hell.  It makes me cringe for my children.
If someone is trying to lose weight, or is training for a marathon, or is trying to gain more muscle, or is just trying to look better people will comment.  Or at least those who are close enough to you will.  Those who don't know you that well might be a bit more reserved.
C'est La Vie.

I've decided to skip my first class tomorrow.  I am awake MUCH too late to get up in time for Science...

We have decided on a cool new place to live next semester!!
It is called Brighton.  They are townhouses(dos levels) for 4 young men or women.  It is going to be a blast and a half!  Brenton, Brian, Josh, and I will be having an amazing time in our brand spankin' new townhome.  Will I live further from campus?  Ya.  Will I mind?  ...maybe.  But I'll deal with it, because we will finally have a clean, fun, AMAZING place to live.

Here is where the big J of the day comes in.
While walking home from my last class today, I happened upon a jentleman running around the perimeter of campus.
Ya, I know gentleman is spelled with a g, but it was a soft joke.  It was soft to get you ready, as the reader, for the hardcore jenius coming your way!
That was another soft one.
As I watched him run, I began tracking my thoughts.
And I will tell you...I was disturbed.
I couldn't stand the way he was running.  It just made me laugh.  How can he think he is doing it right?!  How can he even think he is getting a good work out?  B'AH!
After noting these thoughts of mine, I began to feel rather terrible.
UTTERLY terrible.
How could I think about another person this way?  No Bueno and No Mas.
He has every right to run how he wants.  Perhaps it is his first time.  Perhaps he is SUPER tired after running like 17 miles.  Perhaps he has a condition.
THE POINT IS I don't know what it is like to be this man, and so I should not be judging him this way.
I shouldn't be judging anyone this way.
And I for darn certain shouldn't be judging myself this way.  I, like most others, judge myself more harshly than any other single person that I come in contact with.
Name of the Game:
Judgment is BAD.

I saw Bill Cosby tonight in the Hart.
It was EPIC.
He is a jenuinely(see what I did there?) jovial, funny old man.  His humor makes me laugh.  It has for the last 16 years of my life, and it probably will as long as he is alive or as long as I can see clips of him telling jokes.

I like a girl.
Maybe a lot.
I don't want to jinx anything...but I think she likes me, too.

Now I have to go before my lappy toppy battery dies.

