Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I have been meaning to start a photo blog for a while.  Just somewhere I can make a photo journal of my life, I suppose.
This has become that place.


As I was driving home from Brian's house tonight, I saw the moon shining off one of the inlets of the Mississippi River, and it looked really cool.  Unfortunately, I was on a highway, so I couldn't really stop and take a picture.  I held my phone out of my sun roof and tried to snag a picture.  This didn't work well so I just decided to take a photo when I got home.


This is taken from my driveway, using the Night Landscape setting.


This reminds me of the lyrics from the Linkin Park song A Place For My Head where Mike raps about how the "Sun doesn't give it's light to the Moon assuming the Moon's going to owe Him one."
This is one of the struggles of my life right now, being, how much do you give of yourself without receiving the equal in return?
In my Interpersonal Communications class that I took three semesters ago, we talked about balanced relationships.  About how we strive to have relationships in which there is equal give and take.
I am having a hard time finding someone(s) who is(are) willing to give as much as I am.  This makes life hard.


Shoot, this was supposed to just be a picture.  Not a rant.


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