Friday, July 5, 2013

America, the land of the fee and the home of the whopper.

I love America, guys.
Yesterday was the 4th of July and I got to celebrate America by doing all of the normal American things...
-Making poor life decisions (3 Rockstars in one day)
-Hanging out with your shirt off (Suns out, guns out!)
-Putting off responsibility (Who wants to do homework on that day?!)
-Being fat (Totally skipped the gym...:()
It often bugs me when I hear people ragging on America.  I will admit that the current path it is on sucks.  I do not approve of the administration or the decisions they make. GOAHEADANDCALLMERACIST but America at it's worst is just as good as any other country probably.  Now, I'm not ignorant.  I am well aware that other countries have their good traits and I am well aware that America has many, many bad ones.
All of which I am ashamed of.
I wish we weren't thought of as a bunch of WalMart-attending, twinkie-loving, fat-celebrating, celebrity-obsessed, racist, gun-toting, homophobic, white folks.
I want us to be the country known for freedom, fun, success, love, fitness, and all other good and wholesome things.  Knowing, however, that this will never be the case I strive to instead exemplify those things in myself and push against the stereotype.
Obviously I am unable to change some stereotypes(I am white), so sue me.

Guys, I am really bad at political rants.  I just lose steam because I really don't care that much.

The point being: I love America.  I hate the things that people willingly do to make America less awesome than it is.  I

The last couple days have been good!  Luckily I haven't sunburned myself even more than I already was from last weekend, and now that sunburn is actually peeling!  Oh joy.  So that's fun.

It's only...35 days until I get married.  BAH!!!!  So crazy.  And awesome.

That's all for me.  It took a lot of energy to try and find something to rant about.

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