Friday, October 9, 2009


I watched this show called "Community" from it's first airing on Hulu.
(I have to watch it there because I have class on Thursday night)
It has joined the ranks of The Office, Family Guy, and Modern Family, being the only shows that I insist on watching every week.
Now, Community is a strange show, in which I don't think the writers have entirely solidified the characters, their roles or interactions, but I think it has a lot of potential.  It may not be the greatest show in the world right now, but I will continue to watch it with hopes that it will get better.  I don't think I've ever felt this hopeful for a show before, usually it's just, HEY!  I'M AWESOME!!  WATCH ME!!! (ever increasing exclamation points included)
The Office was amazing this week.

This is probably the last time I will spend an entire session talking about only TV shows, because I'm already bored by it.

Hopefully I will be going to see Boogie Wonderland tonight in Fridley with a couple good friends!  Wish me luck!

~Won't you take me to


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