Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Like Chairman Of The Board

So, I get really distracted sometimes and forget to write the things that I want to write.

Sorry, like right now.  I'm watching Transformers 2, and it just got to the part where Sam makes out with the killer robot chick thing and she totally attacks him with her giant killer tongue.  So my mind started thinking of how creepy, gross, and terrifying that would be.
Now I'm thinking about how cool it would be to be a stuntman.  I think it would awesome!

Now what was I saying.  Oh right!  Forgetting to write things.  I've had a pretty crazy week, if I remember correctly.
I don't remember exactly when the last tiem I updated was, but I think it was during the whole sickness thing.

Ya, thankfully I finally got over that.  It was totally a flu of some kind, but not h1n1, so don't freak out.

You have no idea how hard it is to concentrate on writing while giant robots are killing each other just inside your peripheral vision.
Looking at that word, does this thing have spell check?  I dunno.  I don't think so.

Megatron has HUGE legs.

Yup, it does have spell check, because it told me that Megatron isn't a word.

I should really just write this another time.  Try it sometime.  Try writing something important while the world is being blown up.  Thank heavens that news doesn't have to be written and posted on the spot.

Life is good right now!  I am very happy.

OH!  That's what I was gonna post tonight.  About a time when I wasn't happy.  That was earlier today.  Let me tell you why:

It also told me that wasn't isn't a word.  And isn't.  That's a little terrifying.

So, in my public speaking class this morning there was an explosion of emotion.  None of which was good.
In my class I am known as the jokester.  I am the one who always has something to say.  People laugh.  It's fantastic, I promise.
Either way, one of the students had a breakdown and started having a heated discussion with the teacher.  I will avoid the details, but needless to say, it was uncomfortable.  VERY uncomfortable.

That's probably enough half-hearted rambling for today.

~I'm in Miama, Trick~


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