Sunday, July 29, 2012

Repentance Process

I know that title just scared the bejeepers out of you, but trust me you have no need to worry any time soon.  Hopefully never in the foreseeable future.
I title this post as it is because of my diabetic sins last night.
You see, my best friend, Ivan Banov, is diabetic.  And so I think I know just about everything there is to know about diabetes.  This may be a slight oversight on my part, but that's ok.
My ice cream would have sent me into a diabetic coma had I not have intestines that are stronger than most horses.  So I trimmed it down tonight.


Still finishing off the pint, but this time I put less toppings of whipped cream, caramel, and chocolate and added fresh cut strawberries to the bottom and dried banana chips on top.  This is a strange concoction for sure, but I look forward to it nonetheless.
Ok, enough writing about it, it's time to eat.


Brief Olympic interjection...
Jordyn, the little girl on the American Gymnastics team (who is the current raining champion) was robbed.  Straight up robbed of her place in the all-around finals.  The judges were FAR too strict on her while having the same level of laxness for all other participants, including her teammates, who I believe did far worse than she in many aspects.
My heart breaks for her.
OK, that is all.
Brief ice cream interjection...
It is delicious.
OK, that is all.
Church was wonderful today!  I even saw a cute girl or two.  Which for most singles wards isn't a big deal, but since the combining of my beloved Dinkytown Ward with all surrounding singles wards(Uptown and St. Croix Branch) the beauties have become few and far between.
However, the third hour was combined(due to it being the 5th Sunday) and there was a large display set up on Food storage so my friends and I did something I haven't done in close to 6 or 7 years.
That's right.  We skipped just one hour, but that's more than I have skipped in a very long time.
We went to Erics home and the plan was to make Rice Krispies treats, but he ended up not having marshmallows, so we just sat, watched the Olympics, and ate junk food.

After church I came home, ate a super healthy and amazing meal with my family, and then went to a mission farewell for a kid in my mom's home ward.
First thing when I walk in the Bishop, the young men's president, and a couple others comment on my physical appearance.  It was a huge ego boost.
That's all I'll say about it, so as to avoid sounding like a HUGE douche.
Just a baby one.

I am approaching a point where I am HEAVILY persuaded to shave.
It's not itchy.  It's not inconvenient for eating.  It's not a HUGE pain.
It's just not as attractive as it once was.
Wait, let me take that back.  It's just as attractive, I just enjoy being clean shaven/5'o'clock shadow more than I used to.
It's even with bearded.
I look forward to running tomorrow, going to the gym, paying off my Montana speeding ticket, and going to a Twin's game with some of my best friends tomorrow night.
What are your hopes and dreams for tomorrow?


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