I don't care what you have to say about Wal-Mart, so keep it to yourself.
THEN(as if that wasn't good enough) I bought some HDMI cables. And proceeded to hook things up to said TV.
NOW I have the ability to switch channels between XBOX360 and being a second computer monitor. A beautiful, big, shiny computer monitor.
AND I added a second hard drive to my computer and a second DVDR drive...
Life is good.
The Gospel is amazing.
I have been thinking about it a lot lately and how truly awesome it is to know 100%, without a doubt, absolutely that the way to God that I know is the path He wants ALL of His children to travel, and how fortunate I am that I was born into it so that I didn't have to search for it or have it come to me.
Did I still have to find my own rhythm? Absolutely. BUT that is a heck of a lot easier when you have others supporting you, helping you, and being examples for you.
Today, in EQ we talked a little about the Law of Consecration, and how ultimately God wants us to give all(time, talents, material goods, etc.) that He has given us back, or at least be willing should the circumstance arise that He, or one of His other children, needs it.
So we talked about time, and how we can consecrate our time to the Lord. The teacher, Noah, had any of us willing to give a non-detailed breakdown of our time go up to the whiteboard and write it down.
I simply wrote:
20% Work
20% Work
80% Fun
I didn't put MUCH effort or thought into my answer, but it felt to be roughly accurate...as long as I include sleeping, eating, and travel time as fun.
After we joked about it for a bit, and me actually doing some math, here's a rough outline of what I came to:
There are 168 hours in a week.
IF you get the recommended 8 hours of sleep per night, you sleep for a 1/3 of that time, or 56 hours.
So that's...
~33% of your week you spend asleep.
If you work a normal 40 hour work week, that comes to about...
~24% of your week is spent working.
If you spend roughly 14 hours a week(bare minimum 2 hours a day) of eating & hygiene...
~8% of your week is spent on eating & hygiene.
That equals a grand total of 65% leaving you a whopping 35% to do what you want with it.
Now, I didn't include it here, but I also figured in 9-10 hours of travel time every week just to get to different activities, meaning...
~6% of your week is spent traveling.
AND if you happen to be a good, spiritually-inclined, YSA Mormon with free time like myself, you spend about 7-8 hours a week doing things related to church, equaling...
~5% of your week is spent with church
That added to the previous totals equals 76% and 24% of used time/free time respectively.
Now, this may vary by person, of course, and some people have even gotten as good as doing two or three of these already listed activities at the same time. I haven't.
This is the bare minimum for me. I won't let myself be far from this schedule.
This, of course, will also change drastically once I'm in school. For instance travel time will practically disappear and school will take up another rough 32-36 hours a week or somewhere around 20%.
BUT for the time being, I still have 24% that I have all to myself. Or, roughly 40 hours a week.
Now, these are all rough estimates, don't get me wrong, but that still leaves me with a ton of time to just sit around and do whatever.
It's sobering to think about.
AND on that note...
I am a failure at most of my goals set earlier this year, but that doesn't mean I haven't stopped trying.
BUT life is good nonetheless.