Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lost In The Tide

Once you see the grand design behind a certain event, or a principle that you are supposed to live, it becomes all too easy to give up your own desires and follow what you SHOULD be doing, instead of what you WANT to do.
This week has sucked as far as vacation time goes.  Parents are away, so naturally children should play, right?  Usually, yes.  This time, no.  I've been sick all week.  And it has sucked a ton.  I've even complained a little bit about it on here, ya.  BUT, today I finally saw why I needed to be sick this week.
So, my life has been what some might call pampered...
I have parents that love me.
Friends that trust me.
I like my jobs.
All is well in my life, basically.
The longest time I've spent outside of my parent's house, however, was the two years I was in the service and protection of the Lord, which you could hardly call being away from home at all!
And so I don't quite know how to take care of myself.  This week has been a crash course in life.  Suddenly, there was no mommy to take care of me when I get sick.  There was no one to take me to the Urgent Care this afternoon.  There was no one to buy me orange juice.  This was all me time, and it was a good time to be had.
I think I'm a lot more prepared for heading off to college now than I was at the start of this week.
If only there was someone to hold your hand the entire way through your life and make sure you never get sick or bumps or would suck.  It's the ups that make the downs, and vice versa.
When out in the real world, there isn't a whole lot of time to just sit on your butt and play video games.  Well, not if you ever want to move out of your parent's basement at least.  You have to get out and DO THINGS.
It's been somewhat eye-opening for me.
Why do doctors treat symptoms and not diseases?  I have no idea what is wrong with me this week.  I don't know what disease I had that caused me to be sick.  All I know is that I had a fever, runny nose, cough, headache, and those are now taken care of.  C'est La Vie.
I had something else earlier today that I wanted to post about...but I forgot it.


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