Sunday, August 26, 2012

5-Inch Coffee Table

Going to church is always a pleasure.
In actuality, I enjoy the drives to and from church almost as much as the actual church itself.  Out of context that probably sounds terrible.
You see...I really enjoy music.
REALLY enjoy music.  Especially church-y music.
I got a bunch from my mom when I nabbed some music from her computer.
It's all by Marshall McDonald.  And it's terrific.  The albums are entitled Christmas Dreams, More Holiness Give Me, and This is the Christ.  Just fantastic stuff.  I suggest it to any members of the church.  As well as anybody who enjoys some good instrumental music, I suppose.
I see that Battleship is coming out on DVD/BluRay this Tuesday.
That is great for someone who liked that movie a lot more than I did.
Don't get me wrong, it was better than I thought it was going to be.
But I was so stinkin' disappointed that no one said "You sunk my battleship."  Nope.  Not one.
If they would have just said that, all would have been well!  I would have liked it even more.  But alas, they didn't, and so I didn't.
I'll tell you what movie DOES look fantastic, though...Lawless.
I will see it shortly, I'm sure.
After that incredibly boring news...
It's fantastic.
Most things about sharks are.  Let's face it.  That's why the world celebrates Shark Week!
That being said I refer back to my previous post in which I said I am terrified of the ocean.  That is still very true.
Right now they are throwing frisbees off the main boat and driving a second, smaller, faster boat as fast as they can to catch it, much like Ultimate Frisbee except with boats and ocean.  They are doing it as celebration, not as part of the job.
It looks legit.
In Japanese, the closest word to English "pants" does not mean pants, it means underwear.
Pantsu = underwear
Zubon = pants
Han zubon = shorts
*The More You Know*
So...don't go to Japan expecting your friends to help you pick out some cool pantsu.
Unless you are really close with your friends, I guess.
Speaking of your friends who you are really close with, check out this business!!

That's us.

At the St. Cloud Quarry I have been chatting up.

In 1080p.  Thanks to my GoProHero2.

This isn't ALL the footage, but it's all that I got of my Poli friends.  The other footage is of Brian, Nate, or me.

Watching these videos makes me realize a number of things:
a.) I am not very exciting to watch jump off a cliff.  I always flail my arms like I'm trying to fly.  I need to work on this.  Because half the fun of cliff jumping is having others be impressed by what you are doing.
b.) Polis are crazy!  Those "suicides" they were doing...CRAZY!!!
c.) I am pale.  So very, very pale.  This only bothers me when others have to look at me. I feel bad for others who are blinded by the sun reflecting off of my translucent skin.
Have you ever seen the movie POWDER?  It's kinda like that.  Except without the mystical powers.  Just the albino-ism.
But Spenser?  Why is your face so long?!
To fit all of the tears, dang it.

THIS is how cold it is in my basement!!!
I am not ONLY wearing my sweat pants, I am ALSO wearing my wool socks.
AND my Packers sweater.
But Spenser, I have nothing to weigh this information against!
Ok, point taken.  I normally just wear my sweat shorts, NO socks, and my Packers sweater.
Measure THAT information.

Now it is time for some good ol' fashioned guitar playin'


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