Friday, August 10, 2012

Teddy Bears And Motorcycles

My titles don't really make much sense, do they?

As opposed to most posts, I actually have a number of things to weigh in on right now!
Matter, the first!
Yesterday my compatriots and I viewed Nitro Circus: The Movie 3D.  It was amazing, to say the least.  I will admit that I felt like it could easily have been done WITHOUT the 3D as well as it could have been just done on YouTube or as a TV special.  No REAL need to make it into a movie theater movie, but it was enjoyable nonetheless.  Lots of cool stunts.  Good music.  Great cinematography.  Fun ideas.  It had us laughing and cheering for a good 3/4 of the movie, and thus was deemed enjoyable by a group of college-aged males.
This movie, as well as the many short films created by Devinsupertramp embody everything that is good about #YOLO.
I know.  I know.
#YOLO is a bad thing.  So many people use it as a terrible reason to do terrible things, such as drink excessively(which, any drinking is excessive in my opinion), have unprotected, premarital sex, and/or use illegal drugs.
But I must contest!
What is your opinion on Carpe Diem my learned reader, you?
"Sieze the day!" says you.  #YOLO says the youngster.
I believe that spontaneity, fun, excitement, and even a bit of thrill-seeking is a good thing!  Heck, all of these characteristics are things I hope for my future wife to have!
And so I conclude this section...
Moderation in all things, people.  Not that hard of a concept.
Matter, the second!
I was speaking with an ex-girlfriend of mine today.  All this break we had been planning on hanging out at some point, but she has been super busy because she has graduated from college and has a big girl job, so scheduling is difficult.
Needless to say, if someone is unable to see you for long periods of time, no matter how busy they are, you begin to believe that perhaps they aren't so busy but instead just don't want to see you.  I, being the newly-discovered fearless person that I am, decided to ask her about this, and she was very blunt with me.
She doesn't want to hang out with my friends.
This was a huge sigh of relief to me, and was somewhat expected.  A number of months ago she had an unpleasant experience with Brenton, and since then hasn't really liked my friends very much.
It has dawned on me what this sounds like.
I am not interested in her anymore.  I am not trying to rekindle a long-lost love.  We are still just very good friends and enjoy spending time with one another.
Please, don't judge me.  I promise it's nothing sketchy.
Mostly promise...
I started typing a point...but it all sounded kinda silly, I can't lie.
Instead, we're just going to rule that out as a unique story.
That's all.
Man, it is so easy for me to get distracted.

Moral of the story?  I really want ice cream, but it's 1AM and that is not a smart idea.
Have you ever heard of ego depletion?  Look it up.  It is completely relevant, I promise.  And you will probably be blown away by the research.
Oh wait...maybe you won't.  Unless you're a Psych major!(or care about anything ever)
Either way, Ego Depletion.
Me not eating ice cream.
Tell me how these two things are connected and I will personally buy you ice cream. long as I know you.
If you are some rando person, tough luck.  Sorry.



  1. They are connected because you are showing self-control now since it's 1 am in the morning and you don't think ice cream is a good idea. But tomorrow when it's not 1 am and ice cream is a good idea, you will go over board and eat to much. Making ice cream not a good idea again. It's very likely the reason why diets don't always work. You use all that self-control to resist treats, but then use it all up, give in to one spoonful or ice cream and the next thing you know the whole tub is gone, along with the oreo cookies. Okay, do I get ice cream now?

    1. BINGO!
      I'm taking the advanced research class next semester, and I really want to do my research on Ego Depletion, because I think it's awesome!
      And yes. You may have ice cream. I will even provide it as long as it can wait a couple weeks.

  2. Oh I can always wait for ice cream. Can you explain to me why it's called ego depletion though? Is it because your ego goes down because you can't control yourself, like you aren't as amazing as you thought you were or something?

    1. It's called ego depletion because it is talking about the ego in the freudian sense where the ego is the controller and organizer of the brain, not the everyday idea of what we refer to as ego being our internal sense of pride.
      As we show self-restrain we wear down the ego, and it's ability to tell the id "no, that is not ok" and this leads to the id getting a brief period of unrestrained joy as we eat a whole pint of ice cream, a dozen krispy kreme, AND take a joy ride at 3 in the morning with our parents car, end up puking all over the steering wheel and blaming it on our younger sibling.
      And yes. That happens EVERY time you let your id win.
