Instead of ice cream this evening, I have been filled with the urge to eat fruit!
And so I shall...
Sweet, succulent raspberries, grapes, and bananas. Doesn't get much better than this.
Let me tell you about the amazing day I had, and how I love being awesome.
It all started when I woke up...
Today is Monday. And that means making salsa with mi madre. We are making (and of course canning/jarring(which difference is never made)) so much because I want to bring some out to school with me BECAUSE IT'S DELICIOUS.
So I was supposed to wake up around 10 to help chop and prepare veggies to be made into salsa. I first role over this morning around 10:30 and immediately check my space phone in hopes of something exciting happening. Luckily, I'm pretty sure that something did. At least a text or something.
ANYWAY...a couple seconds later my mother knocked on the door ever so lightly in hopes of waking me up. I was already awake so this was of course futile!! BUAHAHAHA.
ANYWAY...she asks me if I am willing to go to Best Buy with her to pick up a new computer. I, being the lover of technology that I am, say yes.
So I quickly got dressed, brushed my teeth, and flossed (because that's the responsible thing to do), and off we went! Long, boring story somewhat shorter, we got the computer and then began making salsa.
The salsa was a success.
Then I ran off to join Brenton at the gym.
This was also a success.
You see. The thing about the gym on Monday is that I always feel like there is no way I could go harder than I did the week before. But then I do.
I may have almost killed myself. But it was fantastic.
Then we ate stuff.
This was a success.
I don't mean to toot my own horn or anything, but I have gotten much better at volleyball. And so has Brenton. And Eric. Together with Brock and Al, we basically dominate everything ever.
Then showers and gathering of fruit commenced.
Let me change gears for a little bit here...
I am so grateful for the Gospel. You have no idea.
I need forgiveness a lot. And I receive it more than I deserve, methinks.
But I am not angry about this.
Now, I am about to turn over a new leaf and begin doing something productive at night.
Tonight it is practicing guitar.
I have a number of requests for guitar playing from friends lately, and so I feel the need to be better. I do not like being mediocre when people ask me to do things.
Behold. Beard.
I don't think you can really tell a difference anymore.
Glad this whole beard blog thing, though, has given me a reason to update everyday. It's nice.
I really should have been doing it long ago.
Now for guitar.
P.S. I forgot to mention something that I have noticed that scares me a little bit.
I regularly check the statistics on my blog, including where the traffic comes from.
A lot of the traffic comes from one of my friend's blog(which is flattering). Apparently people who like her want to know what her friends post about...or something.
However...the MOST traffic comes from site, shall we say?
Kinda gross. I do not understand it.
That is all.
P.P.S. Oh, and apparently these people are from Russia.
Again, I do not understand.
Reading about your traffic sources made me curious about mine... So I was looking and the key word search people use to find my blog is COUGAR CHANEL. Isn't that terrible?